After the decision to move to West Chester, PA memory care, you’ll want peace of mind that your loved one’s current and future care needs, preferences, and values are met. That’s where personalized care plans come in. A high-quality, tailored care plan will ensure your loved one receives the care they need from all team members, fostering security and comfort.

What is a care plan?

A care plan is a comprehensive outline of the care needed by a resident in a memory care community. The care plan will outline the physical needs of the resident - such as help with dressing, bathing, and using the restroom. It will note any assistive devices like wheelchairs, walkers, hearing aids, and glasses. Any dietary restrictions or preferences will also be included, along with a schedule and list of medications. 

Dementia impacts each person differently, with individuals experiencing different symptoms that require unique approaches. A personalized care plan will include the symptoms, especially challenging behavioral symptoms, enabling staff to offer tailored interventions. 

A quality care plan will also include a social history with details like profession, religion, family members, and favorite hobbies. It may also mention any potential triggers of the resident. This section of the care plan will also include information about the resident’s routine - are they an early bird or night owl? When do they eat their biggest meal? These details help maintain a sense of normalcy and comfort.  

The care plan may also include any goals the resident or their loved ones may have. Perhaps the resident needs physical therapy to increase strength or start a new hobby like crafting. This helps the team to know what’s most important and provides something for everyone to look back on and measure progress. 

Combined,  these details will help the care team understand the resident to best support their needs, ensuring that they are receiving the physical and emotional support they need.  Care plans help residents and care team members develop meaningful relationships, receive quality care, and meet their goals.

Who creates the care plan? 

Creating a care plan is a joint effort between a staff member, a family member, and even the resident, whenever possible. Usually, the community staff member is a nurse or social worker who will lead the effort. They will schedule an initial assessment before the resident moves in where they can document needs and start compiling a care plan. 

Family involvement is crucial. A family member will be included to ensure that the social history, values, and preferences are all captured in a way that accurately reflects their loved one. However, a good care team will include the resident in this conversation whenever possible, with their loved ones filling in details as needed. 

A well-rounded care plan requires multiple perspectives to ensure its accuracy. After its creation, the memory care director is generally tasked with overseeing the care team and following through with the interventions outlined within the plan, maintaining consistency of care delivery. 

How frequently are care plans updated?

Dementia is a progressive disease, meaning that a resident’s needs can change over time. While some communities might have a reassessment schedule, such as every six months, most will make adjustments as changes are noticed. 

Once again, it’s a team effort to make care plan updates. Oftentimes, the resident assistants notice changes sooner since they are providing more intimate care, and spending long periods together. Activity professionals may also be included in care plan updates. They can offer information such as the resident’s participation in programs, which programs they like and dislike, and their ability to participate successfully. 

While family members shouldn’t feel obligated to supervise care plan changes, they should feel empowered to make suggestions if they notice changes or additional needs that are not being met. Family members generally know their loved ones best and may see changes sooner than the care team might. 

Creating a personalized care plan is a key component of ensuring that each resident receives the care they need, exactly how they need it. While it can take time and coordination, the positive impact of a care plan is evident for the family, care team, and especially the resident. 

Arbor Terrace Willistown, a West Chester, PA memory care community provides each resident with a unique care plan that is consistently revisited to ensure accuracy. To learn more about how an individualized care plan is developed at our community, schedule a tour today. Meet our Evergreen director, some of the passionate resident assistants, and creative activity professionals. You’ll leave with confidence that your loved one will have a deeply personal and comprehensive care plan at Arbor Terrace. 

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