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On July 4, Americans of all ages across the country and around the world will be celebrating the country’s Independence Day in all its glory. Alongside the gallons of lemonade and tea, cookouts, fireworks, and red, white, and blue apparel, Americans will be honoring the freedom and independence that the holiday represents.

The Fourth of July is a great time to do something special with friends and family no matter what age you are. This is especially true for seniors because participating in holiday activities is a great way to strengthen bonds with their community and spark new friendships.

Unfortunately, the combination of summer heat, crowds, and the ongoing health restrictions and social distancing required by the COVID-19 pandemic means it can be difficult for seniors to find the right balance between safety and fun. 

To help inspire the holiday spirit and get your patriotic blood pumping, the team at Arbor Terrace Sudley Manor has pulled together a list of several senior-friendly and safe Fourth of July options to consider this summer.

Prepare a Patriotic Party

Why brave the heat, crowds, and social distancing requirements to watch fireworks when you can host your own small event with family and friends. This year, enjoy the day’s festivities at home and build on these holiday-themed ideas:

  • Play patriotic music, including tracks like “America the Beautiful,” “This Land is Your Land,” or “Yankee Doodle.”
  • Prepare holiday-themed recipes, snacks, and drinks and watch the day’s parades and fireworks on TV.
  • Make thank you cards and gift bags for deployed military members.
  • Enjoy a classic summer-themed movie.
  • Play a classic board or card game with friends.
  • Make holiday-inspired crafts like flags and red, white, and blue decorations to hang.

Enjoy Local Historic Sites

We are lucky to live so close to Washington, D.C., and many historic sites that have been important to our country’s founding and growth. Use the Fourth of July as inspiration to visit some of the area’s many parks and outdoor historic sites, such as Manassas National Battlefield Park or the World War II and Vietnam memorials in Washington, or do some sightseeing around the Washington Monument or Lincoln Memorial. 

Though some of the sites may not be fully open right now, their outdoor spaces can be a great spot to host a picnic or party. So before you go, first check the status of the park’s facilities.

Host a Classic Barbecue

Nothing says summer and Fourth of July like a barbecue with friends and family. Though there may not be the usual big neighborhood or city events this year, having your own party with foods like grilled hot dogs, burgers, and corn on the cob paired with plenty of cold drinks is always a guaranteed great time. Make sure to pick up plenty of sparklers, water balloons, and a sprinkler for the kids, as well as some ice cream, and sit back and enjoy the fun of catching up with those you love. 

No matter how you celebrate the Fourth of July, the day is all about spending time with loved ones and honoring what it means to America’s culture and history. Though many events and usual holiday activities are limited this year, there are still plenty of ways to bring out that inner child in all of us and make new memories. 

If you want to learn more about how Arbor Terrace Sudley Manor celebrates not only this special time of year, but also our residents every day, check out our blog and our event calendar.

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