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Engaging the mind is important at any stage of life, but it’s even more critical for older adults to keep their brains active as they age.

Arbor Terrace of Herndon has found a fun way to keep seniors engaged and learning about new things: TED Talks.

In November, the community began showing the videos on a regular basis, and they’ve proven to be popular with residents. The series began with “The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong,” and has continued with “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are,” “What Makes a Good Life: Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness” and “What I Learned From Going Blind in Space.”

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Resident Larry Lasik has enjoyed several TED Talks in the past. He said he especially enjoyed the community’s showing of “The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong.”

“Today’s speaker, Amy Morin, spoke very well, and she has gone through so much in her life,” Larry said. “It was interesting to hear how she overcame her obstacles and found a way to look at tragedy with such a positive outlook.”

Another favorite was “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are,” featuring speaker Amy Cuddy.  

“I was fascinated by this topic because I never thought of body language in this manner,” said resident Jeanne Maysonett. “It even made me reflect on how my body language has been received by others.”

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