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Richard Miner Lakeway

Resident Story

"Walking Into a Home With Friends"

Arbor Terrace resident Richard is a self-proclaimed “people guy” and wanted to maintain an active social lifestyle. When he and his wife moved to Arbor Terrace Lakeway, they found themselves walking into a community packed with welcoming neighbors.

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Lynn Hickey (1)

Resident Story

"A Pleasant Surprise"

Resident Lynn Hickey didn’t know what to expect in senior living, but now she can’t imagine life anywhere else. Find out why she is happy to call Arbor Terrace Lakeway home.

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Adrianna Lakeway

Staff Story

"A Family Affair"

Arbor Terrace team member Adrianna knows she makes a difference in the lives of those she serves. She also knows her teammates are as passionate and knowledgeable about senior care as she is—which is how she knew Arbor Terrace Lakeway was the perfect place for her mother to retire and receive extra support.

You can find exactly what you want and need at Arbor Terrace Lakeway. Discover which living option will work best for your current (and future) needs, all on one campus.


Assisted Living

Experience peace of mind, with the added support and freedom to live a vibrant, healthy, and fulfilling retirement.

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Bridges Neighborhood

A unique neighborhood for seniors in the early stages of dementia or Alzheimer's disease that promotes cognitive stimulation and healthy socialization.


Memory Care

Designed for seniors with Alzheimer's disease or other forms of dementia, providing a safe, comfortable environment and meaningful relationships.

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Schedule a Tour
Experience the Arbor Terrace Lakeway campus with a tour.
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Cost Calculator
Understand the costs of senior living versus the costs of aging in place.
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not sure where to start?
Not Sure Where to Start?
Let our experts help by providing your resources to make your best decision.
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