Connections at Arbor Terrace Lakeway is a unique program providing enhanced support to residents living with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or early dementia. It allows residents to live in assisted living with their cognitive peers, and receive the specialized support and care they need to thrive along their journey with early memory loss.
The program has three main components:
All three components are focused on promoting brain health through a supportive living environment, positive social interactions and focused physical and emotional well-being.
There are an increasing number of studies suggesting the importance of early stage dementia programs. Improved communication skills and social interactions along with overall better quality of life and increased feelings of well-being are just a few of the demonstrated benefits. The program incorporates practices that are designed to enhance cognitive functioning, with the intent of minimizing the symptoms related to dementia. Connections programs are based on themes that contribute to enhancing the aspects of a person’s life that will allow them to continue to flourish, and support well-being.
In Connections, residents are encouraged to engage in a physically and emotionally safe and structured environment. Program activities are offered in a small group setting led by a cognitive certified coach, specifically trained and certified to conduct the specialized programming.
If you, or a loved one is experiencing the early stages of memory loss, our Connections program is a great opportunity to get the care and support needed to thrive in assisted living. Schedule a visit when you’re ready to learn more!