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Each year, the Engagement team at Arbor Terrace Lakeway hosts a children’s Halloween parade. The event provides families and pets a safe environment to wear themed costumes, gather treats and celebrate the holiday.

With the ongoing pandemic, this year the parade offered families a social-distance option and residents the opportunity to see loved ones.  

On Saturday, Oct. 24, the community was busy completing last-minute tasks before the parade. Team members filled goodie buckets with Halloween candy and treats while residents assembled their costumes. 

“I’m ready, as I am a witch for the parade,” shared resident Lynn Hickey.

The weather was picturesque as families arrived. A fall chill combined with the aroma of nearby fireplaces created the perfect environment. Children of all ages dressed as witches, action heroes and butterflies formed a line behind Engagement team members Rachel Houy and Ginger Juelfs. Houy, who was dressed as a Deviled Egg, and Juelfs, who wore a cartoon mask, led the group around the community. 

During the parade, children were delighted as they gathered treats, and residents wrapped under blankets cheered and waved.  

“We enjoyed walking in the parade,” shared resident Bee Lee’s family.  Everyone agreed that the Halloween parade was a spooktacular event!


Safe & Comfortable Guide

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