Chicken Cordon Bleu is a favorite here at Arbor Terrace Lakeway. A cordon bleu, or schnitzel cordon bleu, is a dish of meat wrapped around cheese. Chicken cordon bleu is made of chicken breast pounded thin and wrapped around a slice of ham and a slice of cheese, breaded, and then deep fried. Set to rest, sliced coin style and drizzled with a light cream sauce, we use a mushroom sherry cream to finish the flavor profile. It is the favorite dish of Jane T., one of our ambassadors and elder states-persons.
Though staying on track and remaining positive can be challenging at times, our dining staff has accepted the challenge with a smile! They have been helping in other areas of the community, sanitizing everything on a two-hour schedule, and maintaining a positive and engaging attitude.
Our dining staff is like a family, and though sometimes families can drive you crazy, they are always there to help give you the push you need to succeed. Three meals a day, seven days a week--this team spends a lot of time together, so they are always able to support each other and make the daily dining experience a great one!