When a loved one moves to an assisted living community, family relationships can be put to the test. A transition to assisted living can impact multiple family dynamics, and it’s normal for the shift to cause some discomfort, but with planning and empathy, you can maintain meaningful relationships with your loved ones following their move.

If you’re noticing your loved one showing symptoms of stress as they transition to an assisted living community in Memphis, TN, you’re not alone. Here are some key tips for preserving your relationship and enhancing peace of mind in the process.

Schedule Regular Visits

Planning regular visits to family members who’ve transitioned into assisted living sounds like something that would be easy to do, but with the hectic schedules life can bring, it’s easier said than done. Setting a schedule helps your loved one to know when they can expect visits, but also allows you to set aside intentional time to spend together. There’s no set expectation as to how long or how frequent visits have to be, but building a schedule of friends and family visits can be helpful for everyone. 

Make Time Spent Meaningful

When visiting a loved one at an assisted living community, it can be easy to spend the time together distracted by bills, errands, or electronics. A great idea is to plan an activity to do together within the community, or attend a community event. Alternatively, you might go on an outing to one of Memphis’ many destinations such as The Memphis Music Hall of Fame. Having a specially planned activity can provide focus to your visit and create new memories. 
Communicate Consistently

In-person visits aren’t the only way to connect with your loved one living in a Memphis, TN, assisted living community. You can also stay connected through technology by gifting them a digital photo album or making regular video calls. If technology isn’t your loved one’s cup of tea, letters and postcards easily brighten someone’s day. Staying in touch may look different for everyone, but consistent communication will help maintain strong, meaningful relationships that they will cherish and that you will always remember. 

Include Your Loved One in Holidays and Family Events

Including your loved one in holidays and family events might look different than it has in the past. If they have physical or cognitive challenges, you may have to adapt your plans. However, keeping them involved in family traditions in some way is important. Talk with your loved one’s compassionate care team about the best way to spend time together, whether it’s inside the community or out. 

Use an Online Family Caregiving Tool

The relationship with your loved one living in the assisted living community isn’t the only one that can change following the big transition. If there are multiple family members that have moved into assisted living, it can be difficult to keep everyone on the same page. Online family caregiving tools can be helpful to creating a schedule of visits, as well as share updates with each other. 

Engage Your Support System

As with any life change, it’s important to have a solid support system. This might be family or friends to talk to, or more formal assistance through a support group or provided by a therapist. Taking care of yourself and your mental health is a crucial element of caring for a loved one. Being mindful and having empathy requires a full battery of health and wellness, making self-care key. 

While a transition to an assisted living community has the most impact on the one moving, it can take a toll on the whole family. It’s important to be prepared and understand the impact on everyone through an open dialogue. After the transition, a carefully developed plan utilizing these tips can help everyone feel comfortable and heard through the transition. 

For more information and insights on this care transition, download our guide The Journey to Senior Living for Families. Inside, you’ll learn tips on starting a conversation about senior living with a loved one, beginning  your search for care, preparing for the move, and more tips on staying connected, preserving your special connection for years to come.

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