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It’s finally summer, when the days are longer and the weather is sunny and inviting. It’s the perfect time for seniors in Knoxville to explore a new activity that is fun and engaging.

Of course, this summer isn’t a typical one, with the coronavirus crisis impacting much of life here in Knoxville. However, it’s still easy for seniors to find exciting new hobbies that allow them to stay safe and have fun.

Here, we count down five senior-friendly hobbies that are perfect for this summer:


Adopting an artistic hobby can have enormous benefits for seniors, including:

  • Enhanced cognitive function
  • Reduced anxiety and depression
  • Sensory stimulation
  • A much-needed outlet for creativity, spirituality, and self-expression

Options include drawing and painting, photography, crafts, and even relaxing with a coloring book. There is no need to worry about skill. Art is for everyone, and whether you are painting the view outside your window, taking photos of your friends and family, or creating a tile mosaic, it simply feels good to create something.  


This is the perfect time to get into bird-watching. The coronavirus crisis has forced many people to stay home, leading to a significant drop in noise pollution in cities and towns alike. Birds, which use song to communicate, are loving it. People around the world are reporting seeing more birds in their communities and local parks than ever before. 

Bird-watching is also a great activity for social distancing, because you can do it alone or with a family member. It’s also very accessible: You can find beautiful birds in small parks, nature preserves, or backyard gardens. In many cases, you can even bird-watch from inside the comfort of your apartment. Bird-watching can also provide a much-needed connection to nature, which is great for boosting your mood during these stressful times.

To start learning and identifying different species of birds, you can borrow a bird-watching guide from your local library or download the Bird Guide App from the National Audubon Society.

In-room Gardening

Tending to plants is soothing in times of crisis, so it’s no wonder that people are flocking to gardening shops right now. The process of planting something, taking care of it, and watching it grow is therapeutic for many. And it’s something you can do right at home.

If you’re new to gardening, consider a plant that is easy to care for, such as aloe vera, snake plant, or philodendron. As long as you have an area near the window that gets some sun, you’ll be all set to add a bit of natural beauty to your home. 

Online Games

Although social distancing requirements make some games impractical, these days it’s easy to head online and enjoy games of all kinds. For example, AARP has a great selection of games that includes solitaire, eight-ball pool, slots, crosswords, mahjong, and word games that Scrabble fans will love. 

Virtual ‘Travel’

Around the world, travel is at a standstill, and sites such as museums, cathedrals, and natural wonders are deserted. But that isn’t stopping people from touring them. Now, you can visit many of the top destinations on Earth from the comfort of your couch. All you need is an internet connection to become a virtual tourist.

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Something for Everyone

At Arbor Terrace of Knoxville, senior-friendly hobbies and activities are part of everyday life. We offer a full range of activities to engage our residents, including art classes, exercise programs, live music, cultural events, and education for those who are interested in learning another language or exploring a new skill. 

Interested in learning more about our senior-friendly activities? View our brochure to see the community features and events offered at Arbor Terrace of Knoxville. 

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