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Assisted living communities provide safety, socialization, and convenience for their residents. As an added bonus, many also provide access to health and wellness amenities. This may include on-site doctor visits, health screenings, or access to various types of therapy. These services - and much more - are convenient and accessible, just steps away from resident apartments.

What Kinds of Therapy Are Available to Spartanburg, SC Assisted Living Communities Residents? 

Although each community has unique offerings, several types of therapy may be available for seniors living in assisted living communities. As needs change over time, residents may require one or more services at once. With both short term and long term options available depending on individual needs, regularly scheduled sessions blend seamlessly into daily life without disruption to most daily routines.

The added convenience of having various therapies available on-site is that no one has to coordinate travel arrangements or worry about navigating through traffic. Plus, if a session makes a resident tired their peaceful home is only a short distance away. On-site services are available in a designated room within the building or may even be available for in-apartment services. This largely depends on the goals of the individual, the equipment needed for their success, and the protocol of each therapist.

All of these accommodations give residents and their families peace of mind knowing that their needs are being met through services that are focused on their individual needs, preferences, and goals. It is also reassuring to know that because services are available on-site, residents are being held accountable for attending and are easily able to access their therapy appointments, leading to improved health and independence as they age.

Respiratory Therapy 

Respiratory therapy can be essential to the recovery of seniors struggling to live with breathing complications. Unfortunately for seniors, even a common cold can quickly turn into pneumonia, which can make breathing laborious. Respiratory therapists use massaging and tapping techniques to loosen mucus and improve their patient’s breathing. This therapy can greatly improve the ability to recover more fully and breathe with ease again.

Speech-Language Therapy

As the name suggests, this type of therapy works specifically to improve speech, language, and other mouth-related concerns. The therapists who evaluate and oversee these services are called Speech Language Pathologists or SLPs. Seniors who have experienced a stroke, facial muscle impairments, or live with short-term memory loss may qualify for and benefit from this type of therapy. Similarly, those with cognitive issues who struggle with language deficits or judgment concerns may also benefit.

Each patient is evaluated and given a tailor-made plan to help them reach their specific goals based on their unique needs. The speech portion can help seniors with pronunciation and forming words correctly in their mouths. Enhancing vocabulary and self-expression are possible goals if the language component is needed. For those who have difficulty chewing or swallowing food, SLPs can also be incredibly helpful.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy targets fine motor movements. These movements are often related to daily tasks – like cutting food or writing – or personal hygiene – like being able to brush one’s own teeth or fastening buttons when dressing. 

Seniors who have been affected by arthritis or a stroke can work with an occupational therapist to learn new ways of completing these ordinary tasks using their current abilities. Therapists may also find adaptive equipment that increases independence. When seniors are able to safely do more on their own, their self-esteem improves giving them the confidence to thrive.

Physical Therapy 

Senior physical therapy works primarily on gross motor skills or larger movements. This could help seniors struggling to walk improve their balance and strength. It can also increase endurance, mobility, and overall independence. Another key benefit of physical therapy for seniors is that it can decrease the risk of falling, which could help prevent serious complications from a fall from occurring in the first place.

Physical therapists may also provide restorative therapy programs. These sessions are created to meet the needs of individual residents and are led by caregivers or nursing staff. During times that staff would regularly be assisting a resident, they may also work with them to complete the prescribed exercises to increase strength and range of motion.

Mental Health Therapy

Some Spartanburg, SC assisted living communities may also offer mental health therapy, which is what most people commonly refer to as “going to therapy”. When wrestling with grief, the realities of aging, feeling overwhelmed by change, or dealing with other stressors in life, having someone to talk to about what’s troubling you can be quite helpful. 

It is even more crucial for seniors to have a trusted confidant who is trained in unique methods of helping seniors as they may have declining cognitive abilities which can make reasoning, processing, and self-expression more of a challenge. By having a therapist who understands the nature of aging, seniors can feel truly heard and receive the assistance they need. Mental health services can bring peace and comfort, even in the most challenging of times. 

Ready to Learn More About Assisted Living?

Access to therapy services is just one of the many amenities offered in assisted living. If you’re curious to learn more about how to choose the best assisted living for you or your loved one, we’ve created something just for you! In our latest guide, The Complete Guide to Assisted Living, you’ll find just about everything you need to know. If you’re wondering about costs, how to find the ideal community, or have questions about transitioning into senior living you’ll find detailed explanations for all of these topics and more. Find the answers you’ve been searching for; download your free copy today.

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