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Arbor Terrace Willistown residents and staff recently participated in a National Football League season kickoff event, as only football fans in Philly could do it. Donned in their favorite team jerseys and hats, the staff hosted NFL trivia, while the residents enjoyed tailgate snacks and joined in the Philadelphia Eagles fight song.

NFL 3The community, located approximately 30 miles outside of Philadelphia, mimics the energy of Philly in its hopefulness and enthusiasm since the team’s 2018 Super Bowl win. In general, there is a special love in the area for football season and all that it entails. 

“We had a beloved resident who was a former NFL player and 1960 championship winner, so our community has a particular affinity for kicking off the football season properly,” said Chuck Niccolls, Engagement director. “His family made sure he never missed a home game, but unfortunately, he passed away at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, which gave us extra incentive to celebrate the start of this season in his memory.”


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