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ash 5Residents and staff at Arbor Terrace of Asheville went a little bananas last month as they celebrated summer with a beach-themed party.

The Coastal Distancing Luau gave folks a taste of island life while maintaining the social distancing mandates of the COVID-19 quarantine.

The beverage carts were decorated with grass skirts, staffers put on captains hats, and residents wore flowery leis to have their photos taken with nautical-themed picture frames. Beach Boys music provided the soundtrack, and residents and staff danced around the halls.

ash 8
The food included Nutter Butter cookies piped with icing that turned them into edible flip-flops. Bananas became hula dancers, complete with tissue paper grass skirts and saucy facial expressions.

Ash 1Goldfish crackers were served in paper boats, and fruity drinks were garnished with colorful paper umbrellas.

It was a fun activity reminiscent of summers at the beach and a welcome break from the everyday.

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