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Retiring in Teaneck affords myriad opportunities to have fun outdoors, go on meaningful outings with the grandkids, and cultivate new hobbies. New Jersey is getting older, prompting state and local governments to do more to serve and support senior residents. Whether you’re a long-time Teaneck resident, or a newbie contemplating a move, a Teaneck retirement may offer the adventure, comfort, and close relationships every retiree deserves. Here’s what you need to know about retiring in Teaneck. 

Resources for Teaneck Retirees

No matter how you want to spend your retirement, Teaneck offers a wide range of resources to support you as you pursue your retirement goals. Here are some excellent resources: 

Deciding Where to Live

Decisions about where to live can be emotionally fraught. Although many seniors say they want to age in place, research shows that seniors are actually happier in senior living communities. This is probably because senior living communities make it easier to remain active and social. You don’t have to worry about scouring the paper for something to do and then recruiting a willing friend. Transportation is no longer an issue. In senior living communities, everything you could ever want—gourmet meals, beautiful dining areas, places to grab a quick bite with a friend, exercise classes, community meetings, and more—is all in one place. This means less time working out the logistics of retirement, and more time enjoying yourself. 

So is senior living right for you? Some signs that it may be time to give senior living a shot include: 

  • You feel overwhelmed by the financial demands of homeownership, or frustrated by the constant demands of owning a home. 
  • You no longer drive, but still want to do something fun every day. 
  • You want to spend your retirement learning and doing new things, but you have a limited budget. 
  • You live alone, and feel isolated or anxious. 
  • You want a beautiful home, but without all the work. 
  • You worry that loved ones worry about you too much. 
  • You want to ensure that, if you ever need help, it’s there for you. 
  • You’d prefer to age in place, especially if your needs change. A senior living community that offers a continuum of care enables you to do so.

Senior Living Options

The quest for a great senior living community is a little like dating or choosing which college to attend. There are lots of great options, but no single option is right for everyone. So spend some time trying on various communities, imagining your life there, and asking lots of questions. The right senior living community for you is the one that prioritizes your needs, your interests, and your dreams for the future. 

So commit to spending some time touring communities. Some questions to ask yourself during your visit include: 

  • Do I like the residents? Can I imagine becoming friends with them? 
  • Does this seem like a happy place? Can I imagine myself being happy here? 
  • How’s the location? Will it be easy for loved ones to visit? 
  • What activities are available, and are those activities things I would enjoy doing? 
  • Do I like the food?
  • Is the staff friendly, eager to help, and willing to answer questions? 
  • Is there something in this community that I can get excited about every day? 
  • Does the community offer a continuum of care that can support me if my needs change? 
  • Would I be proud to show my new home to loved ones who visit me here? 

For 30 years, The Arbor Company has sensitively responded to the needs of thousands of seniors. Arbor Terrace Teaneck is New Jersey’s premier senior community, catering to the needs of a diverse group of seniors with a wide variety of interests and retirement dreams. We’d love to help make your retirement dreams come true. Give us a call to learn more about what we offer, or to schedule a tour.

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