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Are you ready for some answers about senior living? We’re excited to see you this month at one of our Choose Well to Live Well discussions! Don’t forget to RSVP and save a seat at one or more of these empowering conversations for seniors.

Choose Well to Live Well
Wednesdays – January 3, 10, 17 & 24 | 1–2:30 p.m.
Mosaico Italian Restaurant
1072 US-22
Mountainside, NJ 07092

Wednesday, January 3

Stay at Home or Move to Senior LivingWhat Is Best for You?
Presenter: Lucille H. Deutsch, CALA, CMC
Learn about the benefits and challenges of living at home as you age and your needs change versus moving to a senior living community. We will explore evidence and examples from leaders in senior living.

Wednesday, January 10

Getting Prepared for the Conversation with Your Know-It-All Relatives
Presenter: Lucille H. Deutsch, CALA, CMC
Yikes! I thought the days of tough talks with my kids were over. Get prepared for “The Conversation” with your adult children. Learn all the questions to ask before the kids or other helpful relatives want to get involved.

Wednesday, January 17

Preparing and Organizing the Most Important Documents of Your Life
Presenter: Lucille H. Deutsch, CALA, CMC
What are the four most important documents everyone must prepare, and when will you need to produce them?

Wednesday, January 24

Financing the Next Chapter? Home Care or Senior Living
Presenter: Eric Goldberg, Certified Elder Law Attorney
This is the opportunity to ask an elder law attorney questions about how to close the gap in financing your choice of living at home or moving into a senior living community. We will explore various funding sources and how you can protect your resources.

Appetizers and refreshments will be provided.

RSVP here or by calling Maria Owens at (908) 760-0599.

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