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Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease, Activities for Seniors 5 Activities to Do With Your Loved One Living with Alzheimer's Near Philly

When a loved one has Alzheimer’s, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the daily challenges of the disease: memory and communication issues, dressing, grooming, and nutrition. Your loved one is still in there, though. They still want to live a fun and socially connected life. The hobbies they once enjoyed can still spark joy, and they may even cultivate new interests with a little help. So don’t allow the daily demands of Alzheimer’s caregiving to distract you from meeting your loved one’s emotional and social needs. Physical, mental, and social activity may even slow the progression of the disease, allowing your loved one to remain independent longer. Here are some great activities to do with a loved one with Alzheimer’s near Philly.

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