Senior Living Options Infographic: Senior Living Options | Morris Plains, NJ
When it comes to senior living, the options can seem endless. We created this chart to help you understand the different levels of care, and identify which best fits your or your loved one's needs.
Home For The Holidays at Arbor Terrace Morris Plains!
Wishing our residents and families a very happy holiday and a joyous new year! Thank you for your support throughout the year.
Dementia, Dementia Care Living Options for Dementia Care Near Morris Plains, NJ
When you or your loved one receives a diagnosis of dementia, life changes. Though a diagnosis can bring about a wide range of emotions including sadness and anxiety, an early diagnosis means that you have more time to plan for current and future needs. Thanks to more awareness and regular preventative care, physicians are able to diagnose patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia while still in their early stages. This early detection and diagnosis give family members time to process emotions and plan for the future alongside their loved ones.
National Night Out Celebrates Law Enforcement Officers
The community at Arbor Terrace Morris Plains has a good relationship with the town’s first responders, from police to EMS. The officials are quick to respond anytime they’re needed.
Senior Safety, summer tips Summer Tips for Seniors
Summertime in Morris Plains is full of sunshine, blue skies, and traditions including colorful fireworks and burgers on the grill. For older adults who have chosen to retire in the area, summer feels like an especially sweet reward for enduring the cold and dreary winter days. Whether it is your first summer season in Morris Plains or your 50th, we have compiled some of our favorite summer tips for seniors.
Morris Plains, Community News Arbor Terrace Morris Plains Receives National Quality Award
We’re proud to announce that Arbor Terrace Morris Plains is a 2021 recipient of the Bronze – Commitment to Quality Award by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL) for its commitment to improving the lives of residents through quality care.
Bridges Neighborhood What Is the Bridges Neighborhood at Arbor Terrace Morris Plains?
A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease does not mean the same journey for everyone. In fact, there are multiple stages of the disease, each with its own unique set of challenges and solutions. Though most people living with Alzheimer’s move through the different stages of the disease, each stage affects each person a bit differently.
Senior living, FAQs about senior living, senior living faqs 7 FAQs About Senior Living in Morris Plains, NJ
The senior living industry is nothing like it was only a few decades ago. Though senior living communities across the country are beautiful and offer amazing amenities, most older adults and their family members begin their search feeling confused and overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available. We’ve taken the time to compile some of the most common FAQs about senior living, along with answers that can get your search for a senior living community off to a great start.
Senior living, Retirement 4 Reasons Why It's Smart to Retire in Morris Plains
All seniors are unique, and their retirement plans don’t always include moving to the southern parts of the United States. Though some older adults choose to spend their retirement years in areas like Florida, many choose to stay near family, friends, or the neighborhoods they love. Here in the Morris Plains area, seniors can retire and enjoy more than just the beauty of our four seasons. There is plenty of recreation, shopping, and dining to take advantage of in addition to easy access to resources designed to keep seniors healthy. If you are on the fence about retiring in Morris Plains, you just might be persuaded to call our city home after learning more.
Assisted living Why Assisted Living in Morris County Could Be the Right Option for You
If you have a chronic medical condition but still want to remain as independent as possible, you might think that aging in place offers you the best chance at a good life. The truth is that assisted living may offer you the retirement you want, the help you need, and a price you can afford. Don’t believe it? Check out these benefits of assisted living in Morris County.