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Written by Tupua Ainu'u

Meet our maintenance director, James Merritt. He was raised by his grandparents in a small town called Colquitt in Southeastern Georgia. James is married with six girls. His resume boasts 25 years of maintenance experience, including senior living and Bellamy student living at the University of West Georgia. 

James was kind enough to share the following message, "Hello, Arbor Terrace Family. I love what I do! I hope my service to you proves to be as professional and exceptional as you expect it to be. Please feel free to call me at ANY TIME, as I am here to make your life at Arbor Terrace Peachtree City as comfortable and worry-free as possible." Now that sounds like the great service Peachtree residents have come to know.

We are lucky to have his talent and winning attitude here at PTC!

It’s people like James that make Arbor Terrace Peachtree City a great place to work. Interested in learning more about a career in caring? Visit our careers page!


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