Caregiver Resources, resources for caregivers 4 Resources Caregivers Need to Take Advantage Of
Just as your parents cared for you when you were a child, you will want to care for them as they age. But depending on the state of their health and their willingness to accept your help, that job may be much more difficult than you imagine.
Families & Caregivers, Caregiver Resources Caregiver Support Resources Near Marietta, GA
If you are caring for a senior family member, you are not alone. According to research by the Family Caregiver Alliance, more than 34 million Americans provide unpaid care for an adult who is age 50 or older. But many of these people don’t think of themselves as a “caregiver.” Recognizing that you have taken on this demanding job can be the first step toward getting the support you need. Here’s a look at some of the resources available for caregivers in Marietta, Georgia.