Senior living Where to Start Your Search for Senior Living in Decatur, GA
If you or a loved one is ready to make the move to assisted living, you’ll need to do some work to find the community that’s right for you. That search can be overwhelming: If you search online for “senior living in Decatur, Georgia,” you’ll get more than 8 million results! Here’s where to start your search for senior living in Decatur:
Senior living, Dementia & Alzheimer's Disease, Dementia Care Why Dementia Care in Decatur, GA, Could Be Right for Your Loved One
If your senior loved ones have started to become more forgetful, don’t automatically chalk it up to normal aging. It might be dementia. The signs of dementia often develop gradually and can sometimes be overlooked, especially if the seniors themselves are embarrassed to admit that they are having problems remembering things. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, there are 10 early signs of dementia that you should look out for. They include: Memory loss that disrupts daily life, like forgetting important dates or events, or repeatedly asking someone the same question. Difficulty completing familiar tasks such as driving to the grocery store, or playing a favorite game. Problems with words, including keeping up with a conversation, or having trouble naming familiar objects. Changes in mood or personality, such as becoming confused, anxious or more easily upset. Seniors who live in Decatur and DeKalb County, Georgia, are fortunate to have a wide range of dementia care resources available to them.