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Maintaining an active senior lifestyle is a key ingredient in the recipe for good health. Physical activity can help you maintain a healthy body weight, avoid diseases like diabetes, live longer, and keep your mind healthy. It might even prevent dementia and mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. Yet staying active can be difficult when you can’t leave home or call your workout buddy and go for a walk.

Worse still, many seniors feel demoralized by isolation, which can make it difficult to feel motivated enough to get moving. But if you can push through those feelings, you may soon feel better. Exercise boosts mood and motivation, making it easier to continue working out. Here are some simple exercises you can do at home to maintain an active senior lifestyle, even during isolation.

Taking a Walk

You don’t need special equipment to get exercise. A walk gets your heart rate up and stretches your muscles, building strength and stamina. Head for a walk around your neighborhood. Depending on how busy the area is, you may need to wear a mask. If you have a quarantine partner, drag them along with you for a chat.


You don’t have to separate exercise from the rest of your life. Cleaning is exercise, too. So if you can’t stand the clutter, get rid of it! Though normal cleaning tasks are themselves exercise, some strategies can make the workout more intense. Try the following:

  • Lift each item you put away into a bicep curl or hold it above your head for a second.
  • Rather than bending over, squat (with the assistance of a chair or counter if you need it).
  • Try cleaning at a faster pace to get your heart rate up.
  • Incorporate floor yoga as you look under the sofa for dust bunnies.


Put on some music and kick up your heels. Dancing is great aerobic exercise that helps you maintain a sense of balance. It challenges your brain, too, which makes it ideal for dementia prevention. If you’ve always wanted to wow others on the dance floor, check out some videos on YouTube and start practicing now. Then get ready to surprise everyone when quarantine ends.

Online Workouts

You don’t have to go to the gym — let alone pay gym premiums — to get a fabulous workout. No matter what your ability level is, there are some great online workouts for you. Try searching for a specific goal, such as couch to 5K, or arthritis-friendly workouts. Alternatively, invest in a workout app that tracks your progress over time. Here are some exceptional choices for seniors:


When was the last time you had a really good stretch? Stretching is more than just a way to warm up before intense activity. It’s a unique type of exercise that promotes mobility and flexibility. Let your body and comfort be your guide and never do anything that hurts. Yoga — especially through online yoga classes — offers a great introduction to stretching. Some seniors prefer Pilates, which is slightly more intense. To get the most out of stretching, make sure you breathe steadily, expanding your belly when you take in a breath and breathing out slowly when you exhale. This delivers more oxygen to your muscles, decreasing the risk of injury and making stretching more relaxing.

Chair Exercises

Think you’re out of luck if you spend all or some of your time in a wheelchair? Think again. Chair yoga is a great way to stretch your muscles and promote strength. Check out this Chair Yoga app for a few beginner courses. If you’re ready to get out and explore the world, then pack a bag and go for a wheelchair walk. Many Cherokee County parks have chair-friendly paths.

Commit to Creativity

You’ve probably told your grandkids that if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Now apply that rule to yourself. It can take some creativity to find a routine that works. When you find one, commit to making it part of your daily life. You just might emerge from quarantine in better health and higher spirits than ever before.

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