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Sometimes your body doesn’t cooperate with the goals you had in mind for retirement. Chronic pain, degenerative nerve conditions, neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s, and arthritis can limit your mobility. But limited mobility doesn’t have to mean limited joy. The right senior activities near Canton, Georgia, can help you remain engaged in your community even when you face limited mobility. Here are our picks for the best activities.

Transportation and Getting Around

One of the biggest barriers to enjoying retirement with limited mobility is getting around. Canton is a beautiful community, but it retains its rural roots. Public transportation here pales in comparison to transit options in nearby Atlanta. But you still have options. For example, Comfort Keepers Transportation Services has partnered with Lyft to offer Canton seniors affordable transportation options.

Cherokee County also offers bus transportation to its Canton senior program for just $1. Contact the program to learn more.

Community Events

The City of Woodstock offers year-round special events. Many allow you to take advantage of the great outdoors even with limited mobility. You might attend a summer concert, a symphony at sunset, or take the grandkids to see Santa.

If you spent your younger years enjoying sports and exercise, limited mobility can sting. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up your love of athletics. Join a wheelchair basketball team through the Paralyzed Veterans of America. Or support other seniors by attending the Cherokee County Senior Olympics.

Marietta is a quick drive down the I-75, and the new home of the Atlanta Braves. Attend a game at disability-friendly SunTrust Park.

Embrace the Great Outdoors

Spending just a few minutes outside each day can improve your health. You’ll get a dose of osteoporosis-fighting vitamin D. Spending time outside may also reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, lower stress, and help you live longer. Limited mobility doesn’t have to mean spending your time inside watching TV. A number of outdoor activities are still safe. Try some of the following:

  • Start a garden. To minimize strain and time on your feet, try container gardening in a shady, slightly elevated spot in your yard.
  • Stroll through one of Cherokee County’s parks. Many have wheelchair-friendly walking trails.
  • Go for a swim. Water aerobics puts less pressure on your joints than traditional exercise, which makes it a great option for people with chronic pain or joint disease.

Join a Senior-Friendly Organization

If you want to meet fun people and get out of the house, consider joining Silver Roamers. The organization meets monthly to plan upcoming events, many of which are ideal for seniors with limited mobility in Canton. Attend an adult coloring session or mystery camp, then enjoy an outing to Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament for jousting and drinks.

The William G. Long Senior Center is a hub of activities, including field trips, classes, and adult education. You’ll meet other seniors, learn new skills, and get connected to community groups and events.

Consider Senior Living

The right senior living community can elevate you to greater independence by offering a comfortable home that’s customized to your needs and perfectly accessible. You’ll have help when you need it, but no one will intrude on your independence. Better still, senior living communities offer a wide range of community events and special activities, as well as daily senior-friendly classes, such as wheelchair weightlifting, yoga, bingo, and more.

The Arbor Company has served seniors for more than 30 years. We understand that your body’s abilities don’t always live up to your mind’s ambitions. Our goal is to help you bridge the gap between what you want to do and what you can do. We work with you to craft the perfect retirement, no matter who you are or what you need. The Arbor at BridgeMill would love to help you. Give us a call today to learn more!

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