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Senior Health, Coronavirus How Interconnecting Mental Health into Physical Health is Important for Seniors During COVID-19

Tips for Reconnecting Through COVID If there is one thing we as a society have learned over the last several weeks, it’s the importance of human relationship and connection. Fortunately, we live in a digital world that allows for face to face social connection via Facetime, Zoom, Skype, etc. but there is nothing quite like wrapping your arms around a friend or loved one. The physical aspect of a relationship was overlooked by most until it was no longer an option due to isolation. Touch from a loved one releases hormones within your body that hold many health benefits both mentally, emotionally, and physically. Although restrictions are beginning to be lifted and we are starting to see a “light at the end of the COVID tunnel”, there will be a physical touch hesitation for quite a bit longer, specifically with your elderly loved ones. While social distancing does not have to mean self-isolation, we encourage you to find a safe, healthy balance for all parties involved when reconnecting. Below are a few tips and suggestions to take into consideration as we ease back into a new normal.

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