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The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown many plans into disarray. The big move, exciting concert, and fabulous vacation you were planning may now be little more than distant memories. But what about a transition to independent living? If you were weighing the benefits of a move before the pandemic, you might be thinking twice now. Yet independent living is a better investment than ever. Here’s what you need to know if you’re considering making a move in 2020.

Should I Move to Independent Living in 2020?

Independent living can open doors to a better and more fulfilling life. The right community offers gourmet dining, easy community, plenty of activities, and help if you need some additional support. So is now the right time for a move? Some signs that independent living might improve your quality of life in 2020 include:

  • You live alone and feel isolated or lonely.

  • You worry about what would happen if you fell or needed help.

  • You no longer drive, which makes it more difficult to find things to do.

  • Finding entertainment in retirement is challenging and expensive.

  • The burdens of homeownership feel stressful and cost too much. Compare the costs of homeownership to senior living here.

  • You’re in reasonably good health, but your loved ones are concerned about your future or worried that you should not live alone.

  • You find yourself relying more and more on loved ones to help with transportation and other basic needs.

  • You want to make new friends and live a more socially connected life.

Benefits of Transitioning to Independent Living

If you’re considering a move to independent living, you already know that doing so offers a wide range of activities, support services, and food options under one roof, and with a single price tag. That doesn’t paint the full picture, though. Independent living can change your life. Some of the benefits of moving to independent living include:

  • Access to high-quality food. Enjoy exceptional dining in a well-appointed dining room. Forget about grocery shopping and meal preparation. We can cater to any diet or nutritional need.

  • A boredom-free lifestyle. No matter what you’re into, senior living can accommodate it. Attend live music, community celebrations, regular classes, yoga, and so much more.

  • More companionship. Enjoy entertaining your loved ones in a flawless new home. Meet new friends in the dining room or a crafting class. Live among people who, like you, want meaningful, well-connected lives.

  • Better health. The right independent living community can inspire you to exercise more, make new friends, and eat healthier. That can help you feel better and live longer. And if you ever need help or suffer an injury, you won’t have to wait for assistance. Our caring staff will be here for you whenever you need us.

Is Senior Living Safe?

So is it safe to move during COVID-19? With many nursing homes acting as hotbeds of viral transmission, some seniors are understandably reluctant. But independent living is an entirely different world from a nursing home. You’ll be living with other healthy, vibrant seniors who need little or no help and support.

Moreover, the early spread of the virus in senior communities has lit a fire under community administrators, encouraging them to adopt strict rules that keep everyone safe. Sanitation is better. Staff are more cautious. Everyone is more mindful that a cough can be much more than just a little cold. There’s never been a safer time to move to senior living because we are all significantly more mindful of how easily a virus can spread.

There’s something else to consider here, too. Physical safety is not the only thing that matters to your overall well-being. Loneliness can be as bad for your health as smoking or obesity. A sedentary lifestyle — a common problem among people who live alone — destroys heart health, increases the risk of diabetes, and can even increase your chances of getting dementia. Your emotional well-being matters and directly affects your physical well-being. Yet millions of seniors have felt depressed, isolated, and alone during the pandemic. If you’re struggling at home, independent living offers a solution.

The Arbor Company has served seniors with dedication and compassion for more than 30 years. We know that there’s no such thing as a cookie-cutter retirement. We craft retirement solutions no matter what your ideal future looks like. We’d love to talk to you about how we can help make 2020 your best year yet, so reach out today!

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