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The humidity is lower. Temperatures dip into the 70s. Pumpkin patches start appearing everywhere. As subtle as it may be in Florida, the fall season is always welcomed, as it reminds us that the best weather and the best holidays of the year are just around the corner.

The first day of this year’s fall season did not go unnoticed at The Preserve at Palm-Aire in Pompano Beach, Fla. Under the theme “Happy Fall Y’All,” residents were treated to a delicious, low-fat treat specially prepared by the in-house chef as well as a full bar that included Sam Adams Winter Classics beer.

As part of the celebration, all of the residents received a pumpkin mousse and beer delivered right to their doorsteps so they could welcome the season safely.

FALL 3When asked about the meaning of this season, residents gave some great answers. Bill mentioned “the holidays and the great Florida weather” as the best part of the new season while Alice and Kathryn gave a nod to their favorite treats. 

“There are pumpkins at Publix and the cinnamon broom makes everything smell great,” said Alice. “It’s pumpkin latte at Starbucks,” added Kathryn.

The comparisons with autumn in the northeast gave way for the expected jokes.

“It’s hard to tell it’s fall in Florida. I guess hotter just goes to hot,” said Bob. And the ultimate joke came from Elfidge who simply asked, “It’s fall?”

Happy autumn everybody!

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