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senior living community The Life You Deserve During Your Senior Years

All of us, at some point during our lives, have thought about what life will look like once we reach our senior years. Will I still be with my partner? How many grandchildren will I have? Will I be in good health? Will I still be living in my own home?

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Community News, The Lakeside at Amelia Island Furry Angels Bring Love to Amelia Island Residents

“Some angels choose fur instead of wings.”

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Community News, The Lakeside at Amelia Island Loving Life is Dee Dee’s Mantra at 97

How often do we hear that life is short so we must live every day as if it was the last? Dee Dee Bartels seems to have taken that mantra to heart because at age 97, she has probably lived one of the most fulfilling lives you will ever hear about.

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